Tharaka Invention Academy has its eyes on the future. With one of the world’s youngest populations, Africa’s large and growing pool of unemployed labor is one of its biggest problems. Young people in Africa many of who are physically and mentally capable, cannot find the jobs they need to earn a decent income for their upkeep and basic survival. Depending on whose figures you’re looking at, the unemployment rate on the African continent is up to 50% of its entire population. We aim to provide training that prepares youth for self-employment and
off-farm income generation activities rather than for paid jobs.
Apart from merging employers and potential employees with critical job information services (M-Kazi in Kenya and in Nigeria are playing a greater role), there is also another angle to the unemployment problem in Africa – Unemployability. Many of the people looking for jobs on our continent do not have the required education, training, skills and experience that make them desirable for employment. Businesses and entrepreneurs who can offer solutions to this problem in the form of skill acquisition programs, education and training are very likely to enjoy huge benefits. A well-trained cadre of inventors across the African continent will be key to solving three of the other HUGE problems here: Hunger, Health Care, and decentralized Electricity. History has demonstrated that top inventors have created entire industries and put their respective nations at the head of the pack. So if you are looking to be a billionaire inventor/entrepreneur, solving these problems might just be your best shot.
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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer