Prof. Singer

The technological progress of Africa and its Diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened Africa has dawned. In the graphic novel series “Invention School”, curious young African students explore their creative potential for solving everyday problems through a subset of engineering skills under the watchful and loving guidance of highly skilled and creative science and engineering inventors from throughout the African diaspora.


This organization’s directors felt that it was time to gather up an initial group of 6 boys and 6 girls and go about the task of teaching them, as apprentices, the modern techniques and tools to solve the everyday problems of their communities through their own God-given genius. By so doing they would be beginning the process of propelling their nation to the forefront of nation building progress and creating the associated stories which would be retold for the next 7 generations.


Kim and Kate will experience the joy of standing as entirely free humans fulfilling their dreams. The 12 children they selected as inventor apprentices will experience unending streams of satisfaction of meeting and overcoming the challenges of bringing their problem solving creations to life. There will be culture clashes galore, dangers and disasters in developing and deploying new inventions, envy, foolish mistakes, newfound levels of ignorance, language barriers, differing values, redemption, lots of love, and lots of forgiveness. Though it takes years, the members of Invention School grow inward and upward toward an abiding humility that empowers their strivings even more than ambition or the desire for fame.


You and global 21st century audiences will see these African youth make new friends, gain new respect and admiration from friends and family, and bring about heightened joy and delight from their neighbors and community leaders as they pave the way to progress and new roles normally assigned only to adults. We can add to all of this a few well deserved scholarships intended to further support their career objectives.

As the creator of this graphic novel series I strove to create stories which are strongly authentic, organic, and unpredictable. I chose characters, trends, and circumstances with which I’m strongly familiar. I’ve taught youth ranging from pre-school to university. This graphic novel series will have strong emotional content that attaches organically to the audience. Audiences and execs want content that is absolutely original and captivating and entirely unpredictable. This will keep audiences coming back for more and more.

Characters Kim and Kate are both engineers. Kim is a mechanical engineer. Kate is an electrical engineer. When they first met, both Kate and Kim were very interested in how to be able to communicate with animals. Both of them understood very well that insects and those in the animal kingdom, which they later called the Clan, are also sentient beings and creatures having electromagnetic fields. Like humans, they are electrical beings. They are in effect, beings of frequency. The difficulty in communicating with these creatures is that humans have no common language. Because of that Kim and Kate undertook developing some means of being able to communicate with other creatures in the Clan by taking advantage of the fact that they are beings of frequency. After years of research and study and experimentation they were able to come up with a device called the Clanslator, a device capable of reading, in context, the neural pulses of animals and insects in real time.

Thus, human beings were newly able to take advantage of the knowledge and insight and experiences of other species which helped them unravel secrets of life and secrets of the universe. You see, these creatures were very much in touch with their own realities, their own experiences, their own beings, and their own understanding of the world around them which they had to exist within to be able to successfully survive. By being able to transfer this experience and understanding to human beings, human beings were able to gain previously inaccessible insight into the physical and Hidden Worlds of the animal kingdom, the Clan. Needless to say Kim and Kate were able to become quite wealthy from their invention. They both no longer needed to work for somebody else and would now be able to sustain themselves to undertake any kind of dreams and visions that they chose.

When Kate and Kim established their new school which they called The Invention School, they cautioned each of their 12 apprentices that the inventions they would create would likely be challenged and dismissed because they were created by children. Competing inventors would become jealous and envious simply because these inventions could or would become quite valuable. The ongoing series’ audiences will see how these inventions could change their own lives; change the lives of the community around them, and how they might be received by the world at large. We will gain glimpses into how each student grew into and the kinds of lives and careers that they began building as children. Audiences will witness these young inventors growing finally to maturity and wisdom as well as the great problems and challenges in the stars’ own personal lives.

Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer


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