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As I carefully watched two different bugs amble by me while monitoring the dove, raven, chickadee, hawk, wasp, fly, rabbit, and prairie dog traffic above, under, and around me I marveled at the miracle of their very beings. Their teeny weeny little brains and nervous systems can simply run circles around the most modern and sophisticated command, control, and communication systems of mankind. I recalled reading that self-driving cars ( would probably be delayed up to ten years because we couldn’t write reliable enough software to anticipate all of the things that other humans or animals may do which are in close proximity to the self-driving vehicle.
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My two little actors I filmed could climb, avoid any obstacle, navigate any terrain, smell, speak various dialects of “bug”, reproduce, swim, fight, see, self-repair, refuel, dig, build a home, hide, and be movie stars! I recalled paratarsotomus macropalpis, a mite from southern California, travelling at 0.225 metres per second (0.5mph). This may seem slow, but with a body length of 0.7mm it equates to an extraordinary 322 body lengths/second. The F-16 aircraft, made by Lockheed Martin, now in its fourth-generation, is often referred to as the Fighting Falcon. The F-16 can travel at speeds faster than Mach 2 – that’s more than 1,500 mph=7,920,000 ft/hour=2,200 ft/sec= 44 body lengths/second. If scaled up to F-16 size this little mite traveling on the ground would leave a real F-16 in its dust. (322 bl/sec vs. 44 bl/sec)
What, you may ask, does this have to do with geoengineering? Nothing. Except perhaps that in our arrogance and supposed superiority in knowing how this world was put together we’re gonna’ screw up so badly that we may never recover and we’ll prolly take down these magnificent little critters with us… Be humble dear ones.
Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer
The technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened Africa has dawned. In the graphic novel series “Invention School”, curious young African students explore their creative potential for solving everyday problems through a subset of engineering skills under the watchful and loving guidance of an expatriate African American engineering professor. Watch this uplifting graphic novel series. If you find the series and its content useful, please share widely.
Powerful media giants continue feeding us steady diets of stories, games, music, and images of exploitation, mayhem, helplessness, victimization, sexism, murder, adultery, preposterous wealth, torture, drugs, deceit, vampires, zombies, thuggery, glorified gangsterism, demonic spirits, horror, war, despair, brutality, crime, vengeance, sex, addiction, psychic disorders, occultism, savagery, lust, hate, prejudicial beauty/virtue standards, and stale mind-numbing escapism. Never underestimate the power of the subliminal messaging in this media content to accustom your subconscious to your further takeover and control. The groundwork is being laid and we are being deliberately manipulated for easier subjugation. The “collusion” between Hollywood and complicit agencies like the CIA is clear. Hollywood has played a little known role as a propaganda machine for the US national security apparatus for many years. Carefully look at the proportion (you’ll be shocked) of currently available movie fare that embodies these themes rather than embodying themes that uplift, transform, and inspire. “Just coincidence”, you say? After a steady diet of this psychic fare (garbage in, garbage out), what normal person would ever be in a position or mindset to connect and collaboratively formulate creative solutions and healing to man-made problems that beset humanity, earth lifeforms, and Mother Earth herself? These incapacitating but profitable offerings by these media giants stifle any visions of progress and action we might otherwise take to deliver ourselves out of the quagmires our modern societies have created that affect the entire world. Why do these companies market and sell so much of this awful, depraved content?? Could it be:
Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer