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“I am a long-time listener of your videos. I am writing from Canada. I prefer to remain anonymous for security reasons. The internet is now heavily censored and monitor. For that reason, I am using a fake email to write you.

There is an important information I will like to share with you that I want you to share with your audience and the rest of Africa because I notice lot of African are not aware of it. The more people are unaware, the further evil cabals  behind the plan-demic will achieve their goal of new world order. This will be slavery 2.0 for all Africans and Africa if they suceed.
Please, do NOT be deceived or fooled by the vaccine they injecting into the body of europeans. Most of the vacine are placebo. they are not the real vaccine. the real vaccine is what they are giving to people of non-european race. It is aom to reduce the population and kill as much black people across the world as possible.

The JESUIT ( that is, priests, bishops, etc) are cabal behind the plan-demic. The black pope of Rome is the head and superior general of the JESUIT.  These are the cabal that created freemasonry. Most government officials in all nations of the world are freemasons. Now, it begins to make sense to you how the JESUIT rule the world. They write the script and the freemason (government officials, CEOs of corporations, etc) all execute the script.
Please Note : The current white pope (Pope francis) is also a jesuit. Dont be fooled by his looks. The vatican pratice withcraft. this is how thry are able to control the own world
bill gate and his gangs ar just mouth piece for the jesuit. the jesuit always use front men and women and organzations to carry out their evil opration arounfd the world is why it is hard to detect them in public. here is are video evidence:

1) Black pope threaten the world to accept the NWO
2) Who are the REAL forces behind the NWO
3) Who really runs the world
4) Do freemasons worship Lucifer and who controls the freemason behind the curtain
5)  The “JESUIT”, The priesthood of absolute evil exposed

Now, this brings me to the core reason why I emailed you. It is about the vaccine, mask, and PCR test. I will start by telling your audience in your video and remind not to

1) They should NOT use the face diaper mask. It is a sky blue mask that is most common. The mask contains a nanoparticle called “Graphene oxide”. You will notice it is the most common mask use in virtually all countries in the world. It is no coincidence. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the core ingredient in the vaccine. Now, it begins to make sense to us why they want everybody wearing the mask. Technically, anybody wearing the mask is getting themselves vaccinated.  If there is a need for anybody to wear a mask, ONLY wear a cloth mask from a seller you trust. avoid any imported masks from out of Africa.

2)  Avoid the PCR test by any means necessary. Most people do not know why they want people getting tested regularly. That is also because the PCR test contains GRAPHENE OXIDE. That is also the same core ingredient in the vaccine.
The PCR test and the face diaper mask contain a lower dose of the GRAPHENE OXIDE is why the vaccine is their preferred choice to get the GRAPEHE OXIDE into your body.  You will have to keep wearing the mask and getting the test to keep increasing the dose is why they want everybody to keep using it

3) The vaccine should be obvious to you. It is NOT a vaccine. It is a GRAHPENATED substance. the core ingredient in it is the GRAPHENE OXIDE.
Please Note : The grapehene oxide is what is causing covid- 19.  most people are not aware because they keep wearing the mask, getting tested and getting the vaccine

Here is evidence of my claim—>
1) Graphene oxide , the vector for covid 19 democide
2) The real pandemic – Covid-19 or Graphene Oxide? Poisonous Nano-Material found in Covid Vaccines and Face Masks

I shall provide you with information vital to your health, physical integrity, and that of your environment the government, the so-called ” expert” and media are hiding from the public in regards to COVID -19.

I also urge the public do independent in-depth research about my entire claim in my writing. Don’t just believe my claim, research it!

The masks used and currently marketed contain “graphene oxide”. Not only the ones that were removed at the time as indicated by the media. The swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain “graphene oxide nanoparticles”.

Covid vaccines in all their variants ( AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc.), also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis of electron microscopy and spectroscopy among other techniques used by various leading independent and trusted medical professionals and scientists from top universities from different parts of the world.

The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of “graphene oxide ” and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-covid  vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of ” graphene oxide nanoparticles ”

Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system by decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the glutathione reserves. If the dose of” graphene oxide” is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonia by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you. Inhalation of “graphene oxide “causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell.

Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the body. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world already experienced after various routes of administration of “graphene oxide”. Among them the “vaccine”. In short, graphene oxide is supposed SARS-Co V-2, the supposed new coronavirus that caused the disease known as “COVID-19”. This is the reason why we never had real isolation and purification of a new coronavirus as recognized by most health institutions and at the highest level and in different countries when they were questioned about it.

COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration. Graphene oxide is extremely potent and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2. Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call an “electronic absorption band “. This means that it absorbs a certain frequency that excites and oxides this material very rapidly, thus breaking the equilibrium with the proliferation in the organism of the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves.

Precisely, this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology. That is why the deployment of these antennas never stopped during the pandemic. In fact, they are among the few services that were maintained special from special surveillance by the state security forces and Corps to these antennas. We suspect in the 2019 anti-flu campaign, graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already used as an adjuvant. With subsequent 5G technology trials in a different parts of the world, COVID-19 disease developed in the interaction of external electromagnetic fields and graphene oxide now in their bodies.  Remember that it all started in Wuhan and this was the first pilot sample city in the world to do 5G technology trial in late November 2019. There’s a coincidence in space and time. “Both the pangolin and bat soup version were simply distracting elements”. The purpose of the introduction of “graphene oxide” is even more obscure than you might imagine. There, it is more than enough for you to assimilate this information and “reset” the knowledge you had of the disease up to now.

From the highest governmental institutions telling the population to protect themselves and even forcing them with which will potentially make them sick with the disease itself. Logically, now that we know that the cause or etiological agent of the disease is precisely a chemical toxicant and not a biological agent, we know how to attenuate it by increasing glutathione levels. Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that we present in reserves in the organism. A few details will serve for you to fully understand everything that was poured into the media. Glutathione is extremely high in levels in children. Therefore, the disease has hardly any impact on the child population. Glutathione drops very considerably after 65 years of age. And that’s why COVID-19 especially prevalent in the senile population. Glutathione is at a very high level in the intensive sports population. This is why only 0.22% of athletes had the disease. You will now understand why countless studies in practice have shown that treatment with N- acetylcysteine (which is a precursor of glutathione in the body) or glutathione administered directly cured COVID-19 disease very quickly in patients.

Plain and simple, because the glutathione levels were raised to cope with the administered toxicant called “graphene oxide “.  The discovery made here by a scientist (name retracted due to censorship)) is a full-fledged attack of state bioterrorism or at least with the complicity of governments to the world population, now constituting crimes against humanity. It is therefore absolutely essential and vital. It is therefore absolutely essential and vital that you make this information available to your medical community. General practitioners, nursing and health service in general, but also local and regional media and press as well as your environment.
Scientist estimates (name retracted due to censorship) that tens of thousands of people will die every day. In our country alone when the government has performed the new and upcoming 5G technological switch-on. Bear in mind that now it is not only the elderly in nursing homes who are vaccinated with COVID-19 with graphene oxide, But, as you know, a large part of the population has been vaccinated or ” graphenated ”  with gradual doses of graphene oxide. The body has a natural capacity to eliminate this toxicant, which is why they propose to you the third dose per year for all upcoming years to keep the graphene in your body.

We have each and every one of proofs of what has been manifested here. And as long as justice is acting, If it is allowed to, people will continue to push off a bottomless cliff. If you are watching the audiovisual material, you will understand that for more than a year you have been totally and naively deceived by the highest institutions. Only now you understand all the incongruities that you observed on your television news.
please, shar this information with your audience. It will beneficial if as much African know about this evil agenda and the cabals behind it. they are the JESUIT

May the Gods of Africa protect African and and all African from the evil sharks of the vatican…Ase !

Take care



AdThe technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened Africa has dawned. In the graphic novel series “Invention School”, curious young African students explore their creative potential for solving everyday problems through a subset of engineering skills under the watchful and loving guidance of an expatriate African American engineering professor. Watch this uplifting graphic novel series. If you find the series and its content useful, please share widely.


Powerful media giants continue feeding us steady diets of stories, games, music, and images of exploitation, mayhem, helplessness, victimization, sexism, murder, adultery, preposterous wealth, torture, drugs, deceit, vampires, zombies, thuggery, glorified gangsterism, demonic spirits, horror, war, despair, brutality, crime, vengeance, sex, addiction, psychic disorders, occultism, savagery, lust, hate, prejudicial beauty/virtue standards, and stale mind-numbing escapism. Never underestimate the power of the subliminal messaging in this media content to accustom your subconscious to your further takeover and control. The groundwork is being laid and we are being deliberately manipulated for easier subjugation. The “collusion” between Hollywood and complicit agencies like the CIA is clear. Hollywood has played a little known role as a propaganda machine for the US national security apparatus for many years. Carefully look at the proportion (you’ll be shocked) of currently available movie fare that embodies these themes rather than embodying themes that uplift, transform, and inspire. “Just coincidence”, you say? After a steady diet of this psychic fare (garbage in, garbage out), what normal person would ever be in a position or mindset to connect and collaboratively formulate creative solutions and healing to man-made problems that beset humanity, earth lifeforms, and Mother Earth herself? These incapacitating but profitable offerings by these media giants stifle any visions of progress and action we might otherwise take to deliver ourselves out of the quagmires our modern societies have created that affect the entire world. Why do these companies market and sell so much of this awful, depraved content?? Could it be:

  • Predictive Programming is aimed at creating “world culture” and has been assigned to Hollywood to carry out. “Predictive Programming” refers to the use of entertainment and other cultural artifacts to introduce us to planned societal changes. As we come to see these potential changes as familiar, we also have an easier time imagining them to be normal, acceptable, and inevitable, no matter how heinous.
  • Social engineering by an elite few? (neutralization and control)
  • Prophecy?
  • Conspiratorial takeover and mind-control through strategically embedded thought police?
  • Greed? (whatever sells)
  • Cultivated apathy?
  • Cloaked suppression of liberating technologies through powerful diversions?
  • Rampaging decadence?
  • Modern “ divide and conquer” algorithms for fun and profit?
  • Conditioned acceptance of streams of manufactured crises?
  • Non-disruption of the current order (disorder)?
  • Karma?
  • Improperly tuned/authored “New World Order”?
  • Stupidity?????


  • Speak your truth or somebody will speak it for you.
  • Vote with your feet and/or pocketbook
  • Contribute your uplifting stories and discoveries to the global pool
  • Never believe that mainstream media corporations will deliver the full truth to you as they have their own agendas
  • As a free enlightened agent, regain control/understanding of the narratives affecting your well-being
  • Spread awareness (articles, blogs, email, texts, advertisements, social media, art forms, workshops)
  • Activist collaborations
  • Dump or carefully scrutinize cable/satellite television’s agenda-packed (often subliminal) content
  • Values-ladened family time stories and sharing
  • Notify content creators & distributors saying what you DO want. Money is sharper than a sword.
  • Dinner table/classroom discussions and viewing vetted movies like this one above.


    Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer

    Talking With One Another Is Loving One Another

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