I have seen three different sightings of weather modifying chemtrails in the last two weeks, three times more than in my entire stay here since 2020. Kenya has a new President and I cannot say with assurance if that has anything to do with it but he has traveled to the U.S. and met at least three times with U.S. officials since his inauguration two weeks ago. I recently learned that Kenya has lifted the 10 year ban on GMOs (genetically modified organisms) imposed under the previous administration. Environmentalists, scientists, and activists in Kenya and around the world had worked hard for many years to restrict this dangerous technology from spreading but in these times, governments are largely under control by big business like the chemical, pharmaceutical, and tech giants. If drought and food security are weak then why not implement infrastructure to bring irrigation water from the second largest and constantly renewed fresh water source in the world sitting on Kenya’s border? The importance: 75% of Kenya’s labor force is directly engaged in agriculture. Kenya could be a highly prosperous net exporter of fully organic produce and products to the world! Local groups like SALT and RIDEP have been working tirelessly for years to have Kenyans return to reliance upon indigenous agricultural methods and food crops which have thrived through many climate conditions, including drought. Kenya is one of several nations that mandate that travelers and visitors have received Ronajabs, a new gene therapy technology rolled out on world populations. There has been inadequate human trials of five to seven years so as to be assured of its efficacy and safety and even those saw highly adverse physiological reactions to some participants. I want very much to invite friends and family to my initiation into a welcoming African clan here in Kenya but I will not do so if they are required to prove that they have accepted this highly questionable and irreversible medical procedure. A great deal of censorship is afoot to hide many of these above stated facts from people around the world. Sooo… many of my plans are being put on hold until a clearer picture of the future direction Kenya’s leaders are charting can be seen and better known. Greater transparency is most definitely needed now. Time will, in the end, reveal all… In the mean time, ordinary people like you and I are not helpless because we have huge reservoirs of spiritual and intellectual power at our disposal if we but use it.

Africa, GMOs and Western interests

There are many viable solutions to modern problems, given the right and appropriate mind-set.

Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer
