Is Kenya A Victim of Weather Warfare?


Is Kenya A Victim of Weather Warfare?

These trails spread and lingered in the air for more than 40 minutes under atmospheric temperatures and humidity levels which would NEVER support a true jet contrail. Modern jet aircraft use high-bypass engines which are nearly incapable of every producing even one contrail. It can happen only in the rarest of circumstances. Watch “The Dimming” to learn more because the propaganda campaign to make you believe otherwise is long-standing and powerfully funded.

A professional atmospheric aerosol injection observer in Southern California has been tracking the use of chemtrails to prevent rainfall from reaching California. This is why California has been facing an unprecedented drought for nearly seven years now. The photograph were captured in Eastern Kenya on November 5, 2022 at 6:04 AM and 6:06 AM respectively. Since Kenya’s latest rainy season has just begun, I’m greatly concerned that weather warfare will hugely disrupt Kenya’s faltering economy caused by persistent drought over the last 1.5 years. Weather warfare is a covert method of distrupting a nation’s economy and prosperity by making it difficult for average citizens to know what harm is being done to them and who is perpetrating that harm. I will make it a point to always have my app on standby so as to identify the aircraft ejecting these atmospheric aerosol injections within Kenya’s borders. This flight tracking app is free for all Android and Apple smart phones and/or you can use the web based app at It allows you to directly identify aircraft flying overhead. See Weather Warfare Through Technology

You can view related posts covering covert geoengineering operations HERE.

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer


Is Kenya A Victim of Weather Warfare?