Some African Leaders See A Way Forward



Some African Leaders See A Way Forward

Yes, African inventors will be able to thrive and help others around them thrive but there must be a partnership and coordinated efforts between them and African leadership. Africa is seeking true allies who will not attempt to exploit her as did the imperialists, colonialist, and neo-colonialists. It is most likely that the tone and predispositions of today’s leaders like Musevani of Uganda, Ruto of Kenya, and Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana will be much different than those of ten years from now. Younger Africans are much less tied to old affiliations and have witnessed the devastating effects of corruption on display now on the African continent. The dynamism and focus of these young leaders will play a prominent role in making a united Africa the hub or innovation in the world by the end of the 21st century.

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer
