MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Innovators Preparing For A New Future “Africa Fed up With Being a Source of Raw Materials” – African Union Chair African Inventors and innovators in many different disciplines will help lead the way in a future which is currently being charted. It is no secret that for decades, Africa has […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS YOUNG AFRICAN AMERICANS REFLECT ON THEIR NEW LIFE IN AFRICA This video is all about how being in Africa has changed their lives for the better. Given the perpetually changing nature of America as experienced by people of color there, I would call this a “must see” video for all. 1) […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS The Cultural Creatives The world out there is changing at an unprecedented rate. These changes are not only environmental, economic, social and political but mounting evidence point to a rise of a new planetary consciousness and new world order known as transmodernism. Transmodernism is evident in all aspects of people’s lives, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Good news Members!  Good news!  For members at Invention School your role at Invention School has been upgraded from “Subscriber” to “Contributor”. All future members will be Contributors. As such, a contributor is able to perform three tasks – reading all posts, as well as deleting and editing their own posts. […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS TIME IS NOW For your listening pleasure make sure you visit Invention School’s MUSIC CHANNEL where you can watch and listen to our complete line of songs and music videos on this site. Many are posted as karaoke-style sing along format which you’ll certainly enjoy if you’re a karaoke fan. While visiting […]

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MEMBERS & VISITORS FOR THE NEXT 7 GENERATIONS In 2004, 13 Indigenous Grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. This is their story. Four years in-the-making and shot on location […]

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