MEMBERS & VISITORS: KENYA and the African diaspora? KENYA AND THE AFRICAN DIASPORA? I asked the Kenyan Embassy in Washington D.C. the following question: “Do you have any information about steps Kenya has taken or will take to specifically welcome non-Kenyan Africans in the diaspora to come and settle and do business in Kenya? […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: The Call For Diaspora Contributions To African Development There is growing grass roots support, especially among young Africans, for encouraging Africans within the diaspora to return to the continent. They acknowledge that the skills, experience, money, diversity, and knowledge held by the diaspora will be invaluable to the development of Africa’s […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICA’S POLITICAL LANDSCAPE IS CHANGING With the recent death of Queen Elizabeth, the cumulative atrocities against Africa are beginning to visibly surface and take many forms. Expect to see much more of this as Africa now moves into its own moments in the sun. Millions will be acting as agents to […]

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