MEMBERS & VISITORS: China Exposes 5 Lessons Africa Must Do To Develop China’s transformation from a poor developing nation into an economic giant today offers great lessons for Africa. China is still developing and far from being ideal. However, what it has accomplished in just over 30 years is very remarkable and can serve […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Some African Leaders See A Way Forward Yes, African inventors will be able to thrive and help others around them thrive but there must be a partnership and coordinated efforts between them and African leadership. Africa is seeking true allies who will not attempt to exploit her as did the imperialists, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Kenya The Next Singapore Africa Is Witnessing The Birth Of Another Singapore In Kenya – Here’s Why. There is no denying that Singapore has emerged as a significant player in the global economy, capturing attention and admiration for its remarkable economic success. This small city-state has earned its reputation as a […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: African Innovators Preparing For A New Future “Africa Fed up With Being a Source of Raw Materials” – African Union Chair African Inventors and innovators in many different disciplines will help lead the way in a future which is currently being charted. It is no secret that for decades, Africa has […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: 2000-2099, THE AFRICAN CENTURY Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo, like most other African presidents, acknowledges the importance of the African diaspora in the rising power of the African continent and extends a sincere welcome to those who wish to undertake such alliances. Reliance upon the diaspora is something that the Jews, and Chinese […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS IS THERE A PLACE FOR INVENTORS AND OTHER CREATIVES IN THE NEW AFRICA? Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, addresses the general debate of the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the UN . Unarguably, YES, there is a need […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? What If Africa Was Just ONE Country? Make no mistake, drawing up broad generalizations about the African continent is likely to be met with strong reactions, often deemed willfully ignorant. For as long as time has allowed, Africa has struggled with an image problem, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS STRATEGIC PATH TO PRESERVING WEALTH ”You And I Can No Longer Continue This Fool’s Game” Guinea President Orders Foreign Companies to discontinue the exploitation of the nation’s natural resources. From this point forward, foreign companies will process the bauxite used to make aluminum within Guinea and split the profits equally. Raw […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS AFRICA’S BUSINESS INNOVATORS AFRICA’S BUSINESS INNOVATORS Africa’s tech startups raised a record $5 billion in 2021 as investors piled into firms trying to fix the continent’s thorniest problems. But money isn’t flowing evenly. Prof. Oku Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CAN I ASK YOU, THE INTELLIGENT ONES? CAN I ASK YOU, THE INTELLIGENT ONES? Bishop Maponga Joshua III Marara delivers a message to African people asking them to assess whether they are living in true democracies or in modern day slavery. He breaks down the grip that modern colonizers still maintain […]

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