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What if arriving passengers were handed convincing photographic evidence that the aircraft from which they just disembarked had sprayed possibly highly toxic chemicals on people and animals over which they just flew.

We are not helpless victims of chemtrail programs. I have put together a downloadable “Geoengineering Science Project” for kids and adults that will allow them to record and document detailed chemtrail activities and their environmental effects in their locale. We very much need truth to spread. Download at Mb)

1. Whether unidentified aircraft are likely spraying unidentified substances on plants, animals, and people below them.
2. Whether the presence of these substances has increased over time.
3. What the health effects are that these sprayed substances have on the health of the life forms that absorb, ingest, or inhale the substances.
4. By sharing this science project with people who live in different places, you can learn how widespread this aerosol spraying activity is being conducted.
5. Most importantly, you will learn who is responsible for carrying out this covert spraying of harmful substances.
6. The results of soil and plant tests will tell you exactly what changes have been and continue to take place in the soil, plants, and life near and within you.
7. Once you are able to positively identify the aircraft spraying chemtrails above you, with further investigation you can find out who is paying to modify your local weather.


This is an Ashanti (Ghana) proverb to which I fully subscribe. I’m not going to give my money to any air carrier that will transport me one day then sprays my neighbors with toxic substances and contributes to drought conditions the next. It’s boycott time! I will be publishing a list of airlines known to engage in chemtrail spraying and encourage others to do the same. This documented information will continue to be useful to others who wish to pursue legal action against anybody engaging in harmful geoengineering activities in our skies. Detection of military aircraft on Flightradar24’s web site ( ) is deliberately masked. Trust your eyes instead.

The U.S. government cannot sustain the same level of aerosol spraying penetration without the aid of commercial airlines. Individual and class action lawsuits will bring spraying by commercial airlines to a halt and the government won’t likely bail them out.

Masses of people can consider individual and class action lawsuits as they gather similar information. Even though the US government has implemented laws to insulate itself from lawsuits for such activity, corporate airlines like American Eagle are not insulated from the harm they inflict on populations. Subpoenas and depositions seeking out information about flight details, ground and air witness accounts, service records, transponder records, maintenance records, substance analysis, thorough aircraft inspections, flyover air samples, soil analysis, service contracts, payments, earnings (follow the money), and more would yield a trove of information. There are even those who will invest in lawsuits so there are probably lawyers who are drooling at the prospects and airlines who are looking much more carefully at their options. If you feel you have been damaged or suffered losses as a result of ongoing chemtrail/geoengineering programs you can sign up as a class action plaintiff at

This data on airlines’ chemtrail activities will be published online and widely available to whoever may search it, view it, or reference it. It’s all true and factual with no embellishment. Truth will stand on its own. To the airlines it’s publicity. To lawyers it’s evidence. To consumers it’s warnings. To naysayers, it’s rubbish.

Market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at 1.59 billion monthly active users and its content is indexed by the search engines. I share widely with Friends and Groups and encourage others to do the same. Carefully document the chemtrail activities you witness then post for all to see.


AdThe technological progress of Africa and its diasporans was dramatically broken beginning with slavery and later through its colonization by European powers. With the arrival of the 21st century, a new era of an awakened Africa has dawned. In the graphic novel series “Invention School”, curious young African students explore their creative potential for solving everyday problems through a subset of engineering skills under the watchful and loving guidance of an expatriate African American engineering professor. Watch this uplifting graphic novel series. If you find the series and its content useful, please share widely.


Powerful media giants continue feeding us steady diets of stories, games, music, and images of exploitation, mayhem, helplessness, victimization, sexism, murder, adultery, preposterous wealth, torture, drugs, deceit, vampires, zombies, thuggery, glorified gangsterism, demonic spirits, horror, war, despair, brutality, crime, vengeance, sex, addiction, psychic disorders, occultism, savagery, lust, hate, prejudicial beauty/virtue standards, and stale mind-numbing escapism. Never underestimate the power of the subliminal messaging in this media content to accustom your subconscious to your further takeover and control. The groundwork is being laid and we are being deliberately manipulated for easier subjugation. The “collusion” between Hollywood and complicit agencies like the CIA is clear. Hollywood has played a little known role as a propaganda machine for the US national security apparatus for many years. Carefully look at the proportion (you’ll be shocked) of currently available movie fare that embodies these themes rather than embodying themes that uplift, transform, and inspire. “Just coincidence”, you say? After a steady diet of this psychic fare (garbage in, garbage out), what normal person would ever be in a position or mindset to connect and collaboratively formulate creative solutions and healing to man-made problems that beset humanity, earth lifeforms, and Mother Earth herself? These incapacitating but profitable offerings by these media giants stifle any visions of progress and action we might otherwise take to deliver ourselves out of the quagmires our modern societies have created that affect the entire world. Why do these companies market and sell so much of this awful, depraved content?? Could it be:

  • Predictive Programming is aimed at creating “world culture” and has been assigned to Hollywood to carry out. “Predictive Programming” refers to the use of entertainment and other cultural artifacts to introduce us to planned societal changes. As we come to see these potential changes as familiar, we also have an easier time imagining them to be normal, acceptable, and inevitable, no matter how heinous.
  • Social engineering by an elite few? (neutralization and control)
  • Prophecy?
  • Conspiratorial takeover and mind-control through strategically embedded thought police?
  • Greed? (whatever sells)
  • Cultivated apathy?
  • Cloaked suppression of liberating technologies through powerful diversions?
  • Rampaging decadence?
  • Modern “ divide and conquer” algorithms for fun and profit?
  • Conditioned acceptance of streams of manufactured crises?
  • Non-disruption of the current order (disorder)?
  • Karma?
  • Improperly tuned/authored “New World Order”?
  • Stupidity?????


  • Speak your truth or somebody will speak it for you.
  • Vote with your feet and/or pocketbook
  • Contribute your uplifting stories and discoveries to the global pool
  • Never believe that mainstream media corporations will deliver the full truth to you as they have their own agendas
  • As a free enlightened agent, regain control/understanding of the narratives affecting your well-being
  • Spread awareness (articles, blogs, email, texts, advertisements, social media, art forms, workshops)
  • Activist collaborations
  • Dump or carefully scrutinize cable/satellite television’s agenda-packed (often subliminal) content
  • Values-ladened family time stories and sharing
  • Notify content creators & distributors saying what you DO want. Money is sharper than a sword.
  • Dinner table/classroom discussions and viewing vetted movies like this one above.


    Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer

    Talking With One Another Is Loving One Another

    Fair Use Disclaimer


    WHAT IF…