Your Virtual World Presents “A Pair Of Silk Stockings”

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Your Virtual World Presents “A Pair Of Silk Stockings”

Little Mrs. Sommers suddenly and surprisingly gets fifteen dollars, which seems like a large amount to her. She now feels wealthy and considers how to best invest her newfound wealth. During the night, she thinks of a sensible use for the money. She determines that she should spend a dollar or two extra for some shoes, so that they will last longer and be of better quality, and she plans to buy some fabric for her children’s clothing. After that, she would still have enough for new stockings and hats for everyone. She’s happy and pleased because her children will have new clothing for the first time in a while. Mrs. Sommers used to have more money long ago, before her marriage, but she does not worry about the past or the future, focusing mostly on the present. Your host, Binary Mouse, introduces Your Virtual World’s Campfire Tales Series in the hosted version.
