African People Need Invention Education



African People Need Invention Education

For centuries, a wide array of impediments to development have been placed upon African people globally. Helpful aid has always had strings attached. Tharaka Invention Academy is positioned to deliver invention education online which will provide skills and knowledge to identify problems quantitatively, distill disciplined solutions the ways that modern engineers and inventors do, then bring those solutions to market, if appropriate. Young Africans will learn to properly take ownership of their problems as well as their solutions.

“The war in Ukraine has driven up the cost of living in African countries like Sierra Leone this year, hitting fishermen and working-class communities hard and leaving millions hungry.”

“It’s crazy that even with much farmland our government has made us highly dependent on imports of basic commodities like rice and wheat.”

“Where did all of these floods in Nigeria and Chad this summer come from? God or man? It ruined a million acres of farmland. 48 million people will be hungry now.”

“Foreign trawlers, mostly from China, South Korea and Europe, have largely depleted the waters off Sierra Leone and other West African countries, forcing us to go farther out to sea.”

“The cost of ice has gone up 40%. Who knows another way to keep our small catch from spoiling before we can return?”

“I lose my catch when foreign trawlers tear through my nets.”

“There’s so much waste because only ice keeps fish sellable and refrigerators and ice containers are scarce. We need ice! Can somebody invent an affordable solution for us?”

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Mechanical/Solar Engineer, Prof. Oku Singer
