MEMBERS & VISITORS: Homesteading Is Different in Africa ~ Enter The Inventor How I’ve Come To Realize That Homesteading Is Different in West Africa. We have published other informative posts on Invention School’s website which may interest you. To view our entire catalog of over 900 posts go to or use our handy […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Seeding Africa & Food Independence Welcome to Africa Talks in today’s interview. We talked to the Founder of Seeding Africa, Edwina Jenny Taylor Flathen & its Kenyan legal advisor world famous PLO Lumumba on Africa’s Food Independence. The innovation activities at Tharaka Invention Academy are currently working long hours on improving […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: TIA 3500 Solar Dehydrators Set to Revolutionize Africa’s Agricultural Industry The TIA 3500 Solar Dehydrator Africa does not currently have the industrial capacity currently of countries like China or the United States. That does not prevent it from coming up with African solutions to African problems though. Africa does have extreme […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Research and Development Continues At Tharaka Invention Academy here in Marimanti, the research and development of solar powered food dehydrators continues. In Kenya, we have limited access to the wide variety of industrial processes, equipment, and materials commonly available in modern industrialized states. Therefore, we have to be more creative and […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Tharaka Invention Circle CBO Dried Food Research Are you ready to embark on this flavorful journey? Discover the vibrant colors, intense flavors, and wholesome goodness of solar-dried fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs? Embrace a sustainable and healthy lifestyle while supporting local farmers and reducing food waste. Join the solar-dried snack squad […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Agricultural Inventions- Growing Sweet Potatoes Just a review invention so that you can grow them easily in your home using very little land or water. We have published other informative posts on Invention School’s website which may interest you. To view our entire catalog of over 800 posts go to […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Marimanti Market Day Rejoice Life in the western world has been widely characterized as a “rat race”. I have come to highly prefer living a much simpler and down to earth kind of existence such as that which I find in rural Kenya. Life can still abound with heart-warming pleasant surprises, […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: It Starts By Imagining ~ Bridging The Gap To me this is one of THE REPAT PODCAST SEASON ONE’s most useful kinds of discussions. I’m going to share it on Invention School’s web site which was established by an African American for the purpose of developing the fruits of African imagination […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Benefits of Solar Dried Produce The Benefits of Solar Dried Fruits and Vegetables, Spices, and Herbs Tharaka Invention Circle CBO is actively researching methods of food preservation using solar energy. The aim is to identify methods and materials available locally here in East Africa. Effective solutions will add value to local […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Tharaka Invention Circle CBO’s Vision Through multiple national broadcasts by Citizen TV Kenya on January 13, 2023, CBO Director Miriam Muthoni and I shared our vision of how Tharaka Invention Circle CBO can support economic and social development of women and youth through invention and innovation using the […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Tharaka Invention Circle CBO In The News It is a relief for fruit farmers in Tharaka Nithi County who have been estimating huge losses due to rotting of fruits due to lack of market. A social organization in the area, Tharaka Invention Circle CBO, has created a fruit drying device using […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: Tharaka Invention Academy Practices What It Teaches In Tharaka Nithi County, as well as other parts of Kenya, the issue of food security is paramount. Unfortunately, the bulk of crops which are grown are sold as basic commodities or consumed directly by the farm owners. There is little value added processing […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS: African People Need Invention Education For centuries, a wide array of impediments to development have been placed upon African people globally. Helpful aid has always had strings attached. Tharaka Invention Academy is positioned to deliver invention education online which will provide skills and knowledge to identify problems quantitatively, distill disciplined solutions […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS IS THERE A PLACE FOR INVENTORS AND OTHER CREATIVES IN THE NEW AFRICA? Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, addresses the general debate of the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the UN . Unarguably, YES, there is a need […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Can A Food Recipe Be Patented? Hey all of you wonderful African food preparers. Your numbers are huge. When I left Ghana after five years one of the things that I sorely missed were the MANY delightful and spicy and almost completely organic foods and treats. Download “Healthy Ghanaian Cookbook” Maybe […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS Cancer Is Killing Black Women The main preventable causes of cancer are diet, smoking and infection. Of these, diet is likely to most disproportionately affect women over the coming years. It has been estimated that over half a million cancers worldwide can be directly linked to obesity and inactivity every year. […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS INNOVATION KNOWS NO BOUNDS Creativity can apply to solving social problems, making potable water, developing sustainable energy systems, healing sickness, developing affordable housing, or creating a recipe for a dazzling new soft drink… Coca Cola has become a global soft drink behemoth after introducing its highly sought after beverages. One of […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS CORRUPTION: Crime Against Humanity SaharaTV interviews Director of Kenya School of Law and the former Director of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, Prof. Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba. Across the African continent, claims Prof. Lumumba, corruption has killed more people than all of Africa’s civil wars. Corruption should rightfully be labeled as a […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS KENYAN MARKETPLACE I truly cannot say that I have enjoyed the experience of shopping in a typical American or western world food store. I can honestly say that I enjoy the bustle, chatter, bargaining, color, smell, and rhythm of shopping at my nearby open air market. The experience is very much […]

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  MEMBERS & VISITORS NATURE IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE CONQUERED NATURE IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE CONQUERED A new era has dawned and this is the mentality for a new Eden. Mama Earth is our mother, the queen of beds. I’m learning to live within healthy limits by using the […]

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