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Want Some Advice?

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There are three main pathways by which movements gain power: cultural, disruptive and organizational. On its own, each pathway turns out to be limited in its effect. But movements that have managed to combine all three, such as the civil rights movement in the 1950s and ’60s, have had lasting impact. Perhaps the anti-geoengineering movement can achieve equal results with a bit of shrewd planning and execution.

Note: In order to capture these included time lapse videos portraying chemtrail deposition by numerous commercial airline aircraft, I had to disable active tracking of any perpetrating planes. There is every indication that their governing system is able to detect whether any aircraft is being tracked and will then appear to shut off the clearly visible chemtrail. I have observed this correlation on at least seven occasions so it has moved beyond conjecture.

Prof. Oku J. Singer, Mechanical/Solar Engineer
